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We utilize the most well-researched and reliable methods within physical therapy to provide efficient and effective care for our patients. 

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The McKenzie Method is the most well researched treatment approach to non-surgical spine and extremity care. We can often find one exercise or direction of movement that can give you symptom relief in just a few visits and recommend things to do throughout the day to relieve your symptoms. If you have tried other treatments in the past but have not tried McKenzie/MDT, call our office to see if we can help get you pain free.

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For some conditions, we are able to use very thin acupuncture needles to stimulate healing by increasing blood flow with a very controlled and targeted needle stick to very specific muscle groups. Dry needling is great for soft tissue problems and chronic pain.



We have 14 years of experience with post-operative care following surgery, including spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand, hip, knee, and ankle surgeries. We are especially experienced with joint replacement surgery. We will work closely with your surgeon to make sure we are treating you within their protocol to help speed your recovery as quickly and comfortably as possible.

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Falls can be debilitating for anyone, especially the elderly. If you find yourself losing your balance or have had a fall recently, we can work on improving your balance through a variety of techniques in the clinic as well as activities you can practice at home. We can also recommend simple home modifications to help decrease the risk of falls.



Posture and ergonomics plays a major role in many orthopedic conditions. The increasing use of laptop computers and cell phones causes many people to suffer with poor posture, which can lead to many orthopedic conditions. If you feel that you have poor posture we can help you retrain your body to sit, stand, and walk more upright and confidently. We also provide workplace assessments to help set your computer, workspace, and other work related tasks at the proper position to decrease the strain on your body.



Our therapists are skilled in manual therapy and joint mobilizations, a gentle treatment approach to helping your joints recover lost range of motion. This approach is very gentle and can be very effective for rapid resolution of many joint and spine problems, and can help to speed your recovery.

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In addition to our in clinic services, we also offer a team of home health physical, occupational, and speech therapists for qualifying patients or those who are unable to leave their home to attend therapy. Please call the office at 504-354-8291 or email us at to see if you would qualify for this, and we can help facilitate you receiving home health services. We will come to you!

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Cupping uses a suction cup to pull an area of skin into a suction that decompresses muscles and connective tissue. This promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation and helps to increase the body’s own healing processes. Cupping therapy is indicated for both healthy and chronic pain patients. It can be utilized for back, neck, and any other extremity pain. In theory, it is almost like a backwards deep tissue massage.

Kinesio and athletic taping can often be a good tool to aid in your rehab. The tape can unload painful tissues and allow your body to heal and reduce inflamation. Lakeview and Airline Physical Therapy and Spine can provide these services if they are helpful for you to speed your recovery.



Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a treatment for myofascial restriction. IASTM uses specially designed instruments to provide a mobilizing effect to scar tissue and myofascial adhesions. Often, patients with soft-tissue injuries do not seek out physical therapy until the injuries have become chronic. By this point, the body has completed most of its self-healing process. Scar tissue and adhesions are formed during this healing process, which limits motion and often causes pain. Scar tissue can be remodeled so that the cells become organized in a direction that better promotes movement. Studies have shown clinical benefits of IASTM with improvements in range of motion, strength and pain perception
following treatment.

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